Sunday 6 July 2014

#YearAThon TBR!

Today (7/7) is the start of this month's YearAThon and the theme is Classics, and I have a few books that I want to get through :)

  • First I want to finish Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, I'm already about a third of the way through and I can't wait to continue and ultimately finish it.
  • Another I would like to read is The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald. This I am hoping to study in school next year so I'm using this readathon to read it before hand.
  • The War of the Worlds by H.G.Wells is another classic that is waiting on my shelf so I'm thinking about also giving this one a go too.
  • Finally if I get through those 3 I will either read some of Pamela by Samuel Richardson which I am part the way through or read some of Edgar Allen Poe's work.
So that is what I am considering reading over the next week; this is super useful for me as I set myself a goal to read 6 classics this year and I'm really behind so I can use this to catch up! Let me know your plans for this week!

Speak soon,
Jade xx

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