Monday, 28 July 2014

Bout of Books 11 TBR!

As I mentioned previously the read-a-thon- Bout of Books 11 starts on 18th August till 24th and I am planning to read a couple of specific books and then read whatever takes my fancy :) The 3 books I have in mind however are:
  • Tape by Steven Camden
  • Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins ( I really need to get this read!)
  • The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald (I'm looking forward to this but mostly I need to read it before I start studying it next year)
Those are the only books that I'm setting myself to read and if I get through them I'll just pick up what I'm feeling at the time. Again I'll be posting updates and also doing some of the challenges. What are you planning on reading during the week? I know I'm probably going to have some new books by then so I might read one of those :)

Speak soon,
Jade xx


  1. The Great Gatsby is a solid book, and Mockingjay is really good! Good luck with your goals :)

    1. Thanks, I'm actually a little nervous about mockingjay but I am looking forward to it. Good luck :)

  2. Good luck with the read-a-thon! I am hoping to at least get through two books but more will just be great. Hope that you have fun!!!

    1. Thank you! Great Gatsby is my only essential. Enjoy your books :)
