July is a very, very busy time. I am going on holiday to Wales, meeting Rainbow Rowell at the end of the month and I need to pack for my holiday in America. Then there are a ton of readathons happening.
First off is this month's AYearAThon. So every month there is a new theme and for July it is Classics. It from 7th-13th July and basically you just read as many classics as you can. This is really good for me as I want to read 6 classics this year and I am super behind! If you want to join here is the Goodreads Group!
Then straight after that is the BookTubeAThon! This was created last year by Ariel Bissett and its from 14th July to 20th July. I believe there will be challenges and stuff so I will post a TBR closer to the date and I will probably do update every few days.
Lastly is Under-hyped readathon. This is pretty self-explanatory, during the week you read under-hyped books. I believe people are using different boundaries to define what those books are; personally I am reading books with under 3,000 ratings on goodreads. Others are doing 10,000 or 5,000 it really depends on the books you own. It runs from 21st-27th July.
So they are what I will be taking part in this month; I will post separate to be read posts and wrap-ups and mostly an update here and there. Let me know if you are also participating in any of these and what you plan on reading!
Speak soon,
Jade xx
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