Sunday, 13 July 2014

#ayearathon wrap-up! (Classics)

The yearathon for July is up and it went super fast. I'll be honest I didn't read that much but I did read more than I read in a week classics wise so that's good :)

First off I let myself finish The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate Rorick. This isn't technically a classic but it is based on Pride and Prejudice so I'm letting it count and I read about the last 200 pages or so.

Then for the rest of the week I read Northanger Abbey and I have only just finished it. I enjoyed it, but I found it super slow- especially the beginning and think that is why it took me so long.

I also read some of Dylan Thomas' work- I'm not sure if this counts as classics, I mean obviously he was a genius and his stuff and- in my opinion- deserves to be classic. But some of his poems are only around 50yrs old, so I'm not sure what to class them as. Either way I read it :)

So yeah... not as great as I hoped but I was super busy and I still read. How did everyone else do? Also what is your opinion on poetry? You see about a year ago I hated it and found it boring, I remember dreading it in school. But now I am so intrigued by it and I love all the metaphors and hidden meanings.

Speak soon,
Jade xx

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