Monday, 25 August 2014

#CatchUpReadathon TBR

Starting today is the Book People's catch up readathon, where you read all those books you meant to read during the summer and didn't. Here is Sophie's video explaining it all. But basically there are 5 themes for all the days this week and you are meant to fit the books you read to those. However I have neglected my reading homework so I am going to have to twist and change some of the days so I can fit all the reading in that I need to do but also join in.

So here are the themes and the books I want to read to kind of complete them!:

Read the book that’s been on your bookshelf the longest.- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, I've this on my shelves for nearly 3 years now!

A gifted/borrowed book you haven’t been able to read. - For this I am using a book that I borrowed from the library, The Crucible by Arthur Miller

The book you've abandoned.- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This I haven't abandoned for long but I need to finish it so reading that.

The largest (page count) book you've been avoiding.- Right this 1 scares me because for me this is War and Peace. But I'm going to compromise and go for my 2nd biggest- Brinsingr- if I have time!

Read as much as you can.- For these days I am going to read tons of poetry, The Catcher in the Rye and Birdsong.

So I am not going to keep to the days but I am going to try and complete the challenges. And to simplify, the books I am going to read are:

  • The Great Gatsby
  • The Crucible
  • Mockingjay
  • The Catcher in the Rye
  • Birdsong
  • A ton of poetry
  • Brisingr (maybe)

I will post progress on my twitter and instagram (@jadeling97) and let you know how I did at the end of the week!

Speak soon,
Jade xx

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