Monday, 18 August 2014

Bout of Books Day 1

Today I set myself some little goals which were to read about 25pgs of Gatsby- which I did- and start another book- this I didn't manage though. So my grand total for today is 26pgs! Pretty low really but I'm okay with that because I had to do loads of little jobs and I think I'm still a little jet lagged. So I'm planning to get a good nights sleep and then read for nearly the whole day tomorrow.

However I did do the 2 challenges for today and if you look at my last post you will see what I did with them. I really hope you had a ton of fun today, whether you read just a tiny bit like me or masses :)

Speak soon,
Jade xx

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE The Great Gatsby!

    You're off to a good start, good luck!
    Amber Elise @ Du Livre
