Sunday, 27 April 2014

Challenge Check Point

Hello! So I got this idea from MarlinElina on youtube and basically it is just a little update on how you are doing with all those resolutions/challenges you set at the start of the year. I thought it would be a nice little catch up post to do :)

Resolution number 1- Revive this blog. As you will be able to tell this one lasted about a month. But I haven't given up on it so that counts for something right? I imagine this will happen again where I don't post for a little while but hopefully I will become consistent at some point.

Number 2- Read everyday. I haven't kept to this completely, but I would say I've read on average at least 3 times a week, which is enough for me.

3. Read 70 books this year. When I didn't finish a book in March I realised that 70 was maybe a little ambitious for such a busy year, so on goodreads I dropped it down to 42, something that I think is a bit more doable, and I believe I'm on track with that... Yep 2 books ahead. :)

4. Read 6 Classics. Well so far I have read a grand total of zero classics. I know, I'm amazing. I got a little way into Pamela though and I'm planning to read Northanger Abbey soon. So with those 2 and no doubt a few for school once I start A-levels I might be able to get at least 4 classics in.

5. Deplete TBR pile. Well I've read 14 books so far this year and brought 10 books. So that means I have decreased the pile by 4 books! Not much but its something and I can't really buy any more so no doubt by September I will be able to boast more.

Finally number 6- But less books. This I am definitely sticking to, I used to buy about 5 a month so 10 in 4 months is pretty good going in my eyes.

And that is all of them, overall a little bleak but the years only just started and doing this post has given me some motivation, I may do this again in 4 months to see where I'm at.

Speak soon,
Jade xx

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