Friday, 13 February 2015

Project TBR Readathon!

Hello! Today is just a quick one to show you my TBR for the Project TBR readathon :) Ben from Benjaminoftomes on youtube is hosting it as part of his Project TBR challenge to radically deplete his TBR pile (wow there is a lot of "TBR" in this post!) The readathon is taking place from the 16th-22nd February which is great since it is half-term! There are 4 challenges plus a bonus and I'm going to try and complete all of them :)

1. A book over 500pgs- For this I'm planning to read Cress by Marissa Meyer
2. A book under 250pgs- For this I have Fairest by Marissa Meyer & The Guest Cat by Takashi Hirade
3. A book with green on the cover. Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead & The Guest Cat
4. An under-rated book. Again, The Guest Cat
Bonus: A sequel you've wanted to read for ages. Both Cress and Shadow Kiss.
(Fairest is a extra for me, it's just I felt like having The Guest Cat for 3 was a little cheeky)

As you can tell I'm hoping for a successful reading week despite the fact I also want to start my revision off ;) Let me know if you're joining in!
Speak Soon,
Jade xx

Saturday, 7 February 2015

February TBR!

Hello, long time no see! Sorry I've been aware I've had a bit of a bad month and everything has been up in the air, so blogging and even reading has been out of the picture :( But I'm back with a new organisation system which will hopefully get me through :) There is no point writing a January wrap-up as I didn't read anything so I am going straight into my February TBR. What I have in mind this month is ambitious but I don't think it is unrealistic.

  • First up is Emma by Jane Austen, this will be my 3rd novel of hers and I can't wait.
  • Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame still needs to be finished.
  • Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead, this is the 3rd book in the Vampire Academy series which I am loving so far.
  • Cress by Marissa Meyer. Another 3rd book.
  • Fairest also by Marissa Meyer. This is a novella to the Lunar Chronicles about the villain Queen Levana.
  • Finally due to the webseries and beautiful edition I own- Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.
A little challenging yes, but I'm up for it! What are your plans this month?
Speak soon,
Jade xx