Summer is at an end :( But that means Autumn draws near and Autumn is my favourite season even if it means going back to school :) This has been another successful reading month for me. I read 5 books in August and I thoroughly enjoyed most of them!
Firstly I read Landline by Rainbow Rowell which I completely and utterly adored! It was classic Rainbow but at the same time it was a little different, I found myself so attached to the characters in this book and it made feel so much! As I'm sure you can guess from my gushing I gave it 5 stars!
Next was Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass. This book was awesome and is another 5 star-er! It was so action packed and Celaena was this bad-ass female protagonist but she was still human and still struggled at points- in fact near the end it nearly killed me to see her the way she was!
Then I read Scarlet the sequel to Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I was completely hooked on Cinder from the 1st page and this one did not disappoint! Scarlet starts right where Cinder left off but with an added storyline and though it took me longer to get into it I was still enthralled by the world and the plot twists and I care so much for the characters too- another 5 stars.
Now we get into everything I read for school, first off was The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald. I am looking forward to studying this as I think there is much more to it than I got out of just my first reading of it. This 1 is a little lower at 3 stars.
I also read probably around 100pgs of poetry this month too. Poems written by Wilfred Owen, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Keats and a few others but those were the main ones. So of them I liked some I didn't. For example Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote one of my favourite poem- The Kraken and yet none of his other works I've read stood out to me like that; its a very mixed bag.
Finally this month I put myself through Catcher in the Rye, I'm not going into details now but I did not like this book I gave it 1.5 stars and that is mainly because I appreciate it more than I
enjoyed it.
This month was the first time I really had to do set reading for school excluding my GCSE texts. It was the first time I was given a list and was told "read some of these for wider reading" and I found it difficult, Great Gatsby I liked. But with Catcher in the Rye I really had to force myself to get it finished and I have never really had that before. I was an odd experience and one I'm sure I'll have again but I loved most the books I read this month and that's the main thing :) Let me know if you have ever had the same problem and how you sort of overcame it I guess, I'm just wondering if there's some odd trick or something.
Speak soon,
Jade xx